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Editing and Proofreading

I offer editing and proofreading services for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry manuscripts. Use my contact form to send me a query with a brief description of your needs, and we can work out an individualized plan for your publication or project. My goal, always, is to honor an author's voice and the spirit of the piece they are crafting.

Services include:

  • multiple, close readings of a manuscript

  • editorial corrections with suggested solutions

  • feedback and line edits

  • comments regarding the overall manuscript

  • editorial development 



I offer editorial feedback on individual poems, packets, full-length manuscripts, and chapbooks. Particular attention is paid to line edits, form, how the poems are working in relation to each other and as a whole, and the order of the poems in a manuscript. I am comfortable with traditional forms as well as experimental work.



My rate is $110 per hour. However, I do work on a sliding scale to meet each writer's budgetary needs, and make adjustments for longer projects.


Contact me here.








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